Posts Tagged ‘Italian society


It’s a trade-off, baby

There are many blogs, forums, facebook groups dealing with the topic “leaving Italy”. As usual business thrives on a deep-rooted desire, a craving. Or a frustration. Articles flourish on the new self-proclaimed gurus dispensing reasons why a giovane talento should leave. Enter the radio programmes, the structured blogs and then comes the monetization of the trend, the icing on the cake: THE BOOK.

There are at least a dozen of books on this theme in the bookstore window displays at the moment, written by university professors, journalists, expats, wannabe political pocket-sized leaders – you name it.

Finding reasons for staying in your country or leaving it should be an individual quest. Job opportunities, family, securing a better future for one’s children, all these motives are very individual. In Italy everything has to become a fashion, a moda, a mainstream flux. But choosing a country is not like picking a pair of shoes. This is when following the mainstream can become dangerous. Continue reading ‘It’s a trade-off, baby’

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