Posts Tagged ‘Il corpo delle donne


santa famiglia

Quelle horreur. Mothers, brothers, sisters and fathers encouraging and congratulating their daughters for having intercourse with the dragon. How disgusting. If a girl chooses to be a sex worker in a brothel (maybe in a country where she even pays the taxes) she is a whore, a cause of disgrace and the family doesn’t want to know about her ever. But if she prostitutes herself to the premier she’s a benediction for the family. The usual (catholic, yes) double standard. But even more a huge education problem. Because as Lorella Zanardo writes – also in German – being an adult does not necessarily mean being responsible.


urban collages: la condition de la femme

Sometimes a photo says more about the Zeitgeist of a country than all the first pages of the newspapers, the maîtres à penser and talking heads on TV.


TV or not TV?

In Italy TV screens haunt us. Any trattoria, snack bar, cafe’, hairdresser, railway platform, airport lounge or takeaway pizzeria have a blaring giant screen. It’s an invasion of bodies, bodies, rosy faces speaking nonsense, commercials. Continue reading ‘TV or not TV?’

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